Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Preparing the next generation for Christ is one of the greatest responsibilities we have as a church family. We believe that children of all ages and backgrounds are able to be impacted by gospel truths. It is our desire not to merely run busy programs or host big events, but rather to ensure that God's Word is being shared with and cherished by each child.
Sunday Mornings
Sunday School for kids through 5th grade.
K-5th grade Kid’s worship during the Sunday morning sermon.
Wednesday Nights
SRBC Awana
What does AWANA stand for?
A Worker Approved Not Ashamed
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."
2 Timothy 2:15
Each week your AWANA will be participating in learning the Bible through several modes such as classroom time, fellowship with other AWANAs and most importantly Scripture memorization.
Each week they will have new verses to memorize or work in their workbooks to help them understand God's Word in order to effectively understand and learn to love the Bible and hide it in their hearts. This program is more than just learning, its about coming together with other children that love to sing to The Lord and hide His Word in their hearts to set up a life of devotion to their Creator and Savior.
Let us serve you by serving them dinner Wednesday nights before AWANA begins. Dinner starts at 5:45!
Can't wait to see you all there!
A Worker Approved Not Ashamed
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."
2 Timothy 2:15
Each week your AWANA will be participating in learning the Bible through several modes such as classroom time, fellowship with other AWANAs and most importantly Scripture memorization.
Each week they will have new verses to memorize or work in their workbooks to help them understand God's Word in order to effectively understand and learn to love the Bible and hide it in their hearts. This program is more than just learning, its about coming together with other children that love to sing to The Lord and hide His Word in their hearts to set up a life of devotion to their Creator and Savior.
Let us serve you by serving them dinner Wednesday nights before AWANA begins. Dinner starts at 5:45!
Can't wait to see you all there!
Bring your kids and let us serve them a meal and allow them to have a time of fellowship with classmates before diving into the exciting lessons from God's Word.
Preschool – 5th Grade
Preschool – 5th Grade