Modern technology has created a shift in how we handle our finances. Very few people are carrying cash or a check book these days, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to be a cheerful giver to The Lord by offering this option to give digitally with your check card. You can give to this in the "General" Fund and the "Weekly Tithes & Offerings" Sub-Fund. There are a few other funds you can give to if The Lord is putting it on your heart to do so. Just click the drop down arrows in the "Fund" and "Sub-Fund" menus to find the fund you are looking for.
Our desire to reach the nations is a desire of heavy emphasis here at SRBC. We know that reaching the community, state, country and all nations takes sacrifice of our time and our money. If you desire to help us specifically in the area of missions, feel free to contribute to our Missions Fund using our online giving tool. If you want to give specifically to our efforts in missions, be sure to change the "Fund" from "General" to "Missions" in the form to the right.
Though we have the option to give Online, we still welcome and encourage the methods of old. As you gather with us, the offering plate is still passed around for those who find this part of corporate worship encouraging and meaningful in your walk with The Lord in accord with 1 Corinthians 16:2.