How it all started...
A Virginia native, Reverend John Rice (1760-1843) served in the Illinois regiment under command of Colonel George Rogers Clark during the American Revolution. After the war, he brought his family to Kentucky and settled on Shawnee Run in Mercer County. Ordained soon after he arrived, he became pastor of Shawnee Run Baptist Church and served there the rest of his life. Since then, Shawnee Run Baptist Church has been built on a foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the lives of saints concerned with meeting together and doing the work of the ministry for the glory of The Lord in the church, their homes, and their community.

Expanding the vision...
As time has passed, The Lord continues to work and the good news continues to spread through the people at Shawnee Run. Though the times and trends have changed, we are convinced that the Word of our Lord and the mission of His Church have not.
Where we are headed...
Our aim is to remain steadfast in Christ through faithful gospel proclamation and unrelenting zeal to reach those both near and far.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:30 am.