Missions & Mercy

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

We desire to be a church body that is zealous for God’s glory among our neighborhoods and all nations.  We believe that both local and global disciplemaking is not only our God-given task, but our God-given joy.  We feel God has called us to not only pursue this mission in our city, but across our state, country, and world.  Join us in any of our opportunities to pray, give, send, or even go.

Annual Local Outreach

Trunk or Treat

Getting out into the community is important to us. One of the ways we do this to engage with entire families is setting up for Trunk or Treat every year. We enjoy getting to see kids have fun as families in the community engage with us on their time. 

Thanksgiving Meals

We also think it is important to help those in our community who may be struggling during the holiday seasons. It is easy to get wrapped up in our own plans and forget that there are folks who have no one and want to help them enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with a proper meal.

Ministries We Support

Update from The Dixons @ Pursuit Church (Pittsburgh, PA)

BIG CHANGE: Sunday Gathering
Hello! I am excited to share a new update for Pursuit Church as we begin 2025!

Before I do, I just want to express my gratitude for you and your partnership. Many of you support our church financially and I am certain that all of you are constantly praying for us. In this season, as I reflected on our last year, I found myself reminded of the importance of partnership in Gospel ministry. We TRULY could not be where we are without your willingness to partner with us from afar.

Thank you for your generosity and conviction that the mission of God goes beyond the walls of your individual churches!

Now, for our exciting update! As you know, we spent all of 2024 hosting a bible study on Monday nights at our local cafe. God moved in great ways during our time there as we saw our core team double in size, composed of people from all journeys of faith! We have some with us who are believers looking for a church home, some people who are learning about Jesus for the first time, and everywhere in between! It has been a great privilege to watch the Lord work in our midst during this past year.

Toward the end of last year, we decided it was time to move our gatherings from Monday nights to Sunday mornings. After about two months of searching, God provided us a space that meets our unique needs perfectly! Starting January 5th, we had our first Sunday morning gathering at Sunken Bus Studios (an old church building turned Comedy club)! At this gathering, we worship and prayer together, host our bible study, and then share a meal together as a church!

We are excited about what God is doing through our church! Please continue to pray that we would be patient as we seek to make disciples of our community, that we would remain unified together as a church, and that God would use our church to impact our city in a might way!

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We thank you for your prayers and encouragement! As always, give me a call or shoot me a text anytime you want to catch up. If I can be of any assistance to you and your ministry, please let me know!

Alex Dixon

Want to support local or global missions?

Supplying needs of saints. Overflowing in thanksgiving to God

"For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God. By their approval of this service, they will glorify God because of your submission that comes from your confession of the gospel of Christ and the generosity of your contribution for them and for all others," - 2 Corinthians 9:12-13

Giving to missions is something we take seriously at SRBC. If it has been placed on your heart to give to missions but not sure how to do that, join us in our mission to make that happen and give to our dedicated missions fund.

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