Our Motivation, Mission, and Message

We exist to glorify God…
as we gather and as we go…
with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Motivation

We exist to glorify God…

We believe that we exist to glorify God and that He has orchestrated the church to be the primary recipient and reflection of his glory.  From the breath we have to the jobs we work; from the meals we eat to the families we enjoy – we are convinced that every aspect of life comes from God, sustains through God, and therefore is to and for God (Rom.11:36).

Our Mission

...as we gather and as we go…

We believe that God is chiefly glorified when his people are following his Son, Jesus Christ. This following consists of two primary and inseparable responsibilities:

1. Gathering to mature as disciples of Christ...
(Ephesians 4:11-16)

In Corporate Worship, Community Groups, Accountability/Family Worship, and  Personal Devotion.
2. Going to make more disciples of Christ…
(Acts 1:8)

In our community, state,  nation, and globe.

Our Message

...with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We believe that our motivation to glorify God and our mission to make and mature disciples only happen when accompanied with the gospel message.  Many of us have been deceived by a partial “gospel” or an easy “gospel” that simply encouraged us to walk an aisle, say a prayer, and get dunked in some water.  We are adamant in believing, proclaiming, and living the full gospel of the Bible.  We believe this full gospel contains four primary elements:

1. Who is God?
The perfect and holy Creator of the universe made us in his image, to enjoy and exalt Who He is what He has done, forever.

2. Who is man?
Rather than choosing to glorify God, we choose to glorify ourselves. This sin has brought about eternal ramifications for all of mankind, including: a distorted image, separation from God, helplessness, hopelessness, and death.
 3. Who is Jesus?
Totally aware of our sinful and helpless condition, God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to live a life of perfection, die a death of substitution, and resurrect from the dead in victory. Proving to be a sufficient sacrifice to bear God’s wrath in our place, restoring our image, reconciling us to God, and bringing about eternal life.
 4. What is our response?
Through the Power of the Holy Spirit, all who believe that Jesus is the only means in which man can be reconciled to God, turn from their sins, and trust in Christ, shall be saved.
Please contact us if you have any questions about this gospel or our overall vision & mission.

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